Interview with Designer João Figueiredo

Interview with Designer João Figueiredo

1st Apr 2019

João Figueiredo is a Portugese painter and graphic designer whose work has been widely acclaimed in Portugal and worldwide. Joao originally worked in design and started painting in 2000. In 2004 he received the “Prize Nadir Afonso” at the Estoril Contemporary Art Fair. 

What’s the best thing about your job?

The best thing is to be able to always do something different!

Please tell us more about the project you’re discussing with us:

My images were to be produced as cushions and rugs - I felt it was a great idea!

What influenced you for these pieces?

The portraiture its truly a thing that catches my attention therefore it’s a means to an end…

How long was the process from the idea to the finished work?

Every idea as its one time, mostly take sometime, others are really fast to know what is going to happen.

Apart from the design featured above, are you working on anything else exciting that you can talk about currently?

I'm working in a project that includes fashion design products

What were you interested in when you were a child and how did that lead you down the path to where you are now?

I've always been interested in art performance and dance, and that lead me to painting

What design tools, equipment or softwares do you use?

Adobe Illustrator and photography

What are your favourite places or things to do, to get inspired or destress?

My place, my garden and music

What is one of the most challenging aspects of your job?

Always try to overcome my creativity

Are there any particular tools, methods or approaches you use to help with this particular challenge and how does it help?

Always let my mind float

Often our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness, what is yours and how does it affect your work?

The speed that I do the technical part, when I'm excited everything happens very, very fast

What do you believe or like to do that many people may think is crazy or unusual?

Talking alone with myself...

If you had a quote, proverb or a mantra printed on your shirt what would it say?

Too much a of a good thing is wonderful!

Where can people find out more about what you, and how can they get in touch?
