The Psychology Of Shapes In Interior Design

The Psychology Of Shapes In Interior Design

Shapes In Interior Design

Before you hit the shops for beautiful new designer art prints, you would most certainly be wise to sit down and really think about how you want your interior spaces to look and feel, so you don’t waste money on purchases that you aren’t going to appreciate in a few months’ time.

It’s not just thinking about the materials, textures and colours you want to bring in at home, however - you should also give some consideration to the shapes you want to introduce, as this can make a real difference to the atmosphere you’re trying to create.

If, for example, you’re keen for your living room to be a warm and welcoming space that everyone wants to spend time in, you may well find that you want to avoid more angular shapes and go for curves and circles instead, which represent harmony and completion. These can help to create a sense of positivity and calm in this part of the house, helping to make certain spaces more comfortable for one and all.

Curves have also been associated with sensuality, so would be a good choice for bedrooms if you’re having trouble deciding how to decorate this particular room. Also remember that curves can help draw the eye around the room and can help make spaces with lots of angles feel more fluid - so you can mix and match quite successfully if you so choose.

Angular shapes like triangles and squares, meanwhile, might be more effective if you feature them in places like the kitchen or your at-home office. Such shapes can suggest balance, stability, professionalism and efficiency - all of which you’ll want in more studious parts of the house where serious work needs to take place.

Triangular geometric shapes may also be put to excellent use in offices and areas where hard work happens at home, since the structure of the shape itself is suggestive of persistence, followed by goal achievement.

Take a look at a triangle - you’ll see that the wide base could represent the start of a journey, while the peak at the tip symbolises complete success. Who wouldn’t want something alluding to this somewhere in their office to remind them of how far they’ve come and where they want to go next?

It’s also worth noting that the rule of thirds can be used in an interior design setting just as successfully as it can in photography and art prints. Also known as the golden triangle rule, the approach involves arranging different objects or elements in a triangular shape in order to create a sense of symmetry and harmony.

Another interesting shape to consider bringing in at home is the polygon, which represents structure and strength. It would be so easy to incorporate this in your interior design ideas, since the shape can be used numerous times to create a honeycomb look - perfect whether you want to go for a natural look along a bee theme in a bedroom or perhaps want something more futuristic with a science fiction aesthetic.

How to incorporate shapes at home

It couldn’t be easier to bring in different shapes and styles when redecorating the house, and your first step should be to sit down and think about which shapes really speak to you and would be most relevant in the room you’re planning on renovating.

Even if you have little experience when it comes to interior makeovers, you should still find it relatively simple to start bringing in new shapes into the different rooms at home.

For the living room ideas, think about bringing in circular mirrors and rugs, as well as round footstools or large circular coffee tables. You could also look at the walls and see if you think dotted wallpaper would work, for example. Art prints in circular frames could look lovely as well.

As for hexagons, you can go as big or as small as you like, with touches here, there and everywhere. If you’re unsure about this shape and whether it’s right for you, start off small with something like a set of hexagonal coasters and then build it up from there.

Squares are probably the easiest option for novice interior designers, since they can be found everywhere and you’ll have no trouble sourcing what you’re looking for. Whether it’s a rug, a side table or a mirror, you’re sure to find what you need in next to no time at all.

Check out the Authentic Interior website to find out some of the top interior design trends for 2024.

Image features: Blue Pencil large art workSleeping Log White


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