Unveiling 18 beautiful wall art canvas prints by Maximillion

Unveiling 18 beautiful wall art canvas prints by Maximillion

Mineheart has unveiled a collection of strange, yet hauntingly beautiful images created by the ‘New Wave Surrealist’ artist, Maximillion. These 18 new pieces of surreal wall art are a unique blend of pop art, surrealism and collage, creating colourful and thought provoking artworks.

Many of Maximillion’s pieces are based on imagery of beautiful women and men, from 18th century French portraiture to 1940’s and 50’s film stars and pin-up girls.

Bodies and faces are often obscured and distorted, sometimes by masks, found objects, tricks of light and a frequent motif of a spiral snail shell. Some figures have insect-like appendages, suggesting a Kafkaesque metamorphosis and provoking a sense of unease.   


Contemporary prints to enhance your home

This collection of beautiful wall art prints will add a thoughtful elegance to any room in your home. Recurring themes across the collection include ballet, feathers, jewels, shells and eyes.

Each artwork has its own unique inspiration, ranging from 1950s sci-fi novels to the darker undertones of modern life. Maximillion also seeks to highlight the beauty of the natural world in his designs.

The designs each have their own story to tell, calling on topics as diverse as the Rorschach ink blot test, Artificial Intelligence, cult movies, monsters, dance and royalty.


Create a thoughtful, contemplative mood

A piece from the Maximillion collection will suit any space in your home that emulate a contemplative atmosphere.

These designer canvas prints deserve to be gazed at - you will see something different every time. Will your eye fall on the beauty of the face depicted in the image, or be drawn to the natural shapes of the shells and feathers?

Or will your attention be caught by the other found objects in the frame - vintage jewels and pearls, pieces of coral or dried flowers?

These photographic art prints are ideal as bedroom wall art, or to inspire you as home office wall decor.


Vibrant colours for your home

If you’re looking for a burst of colour for your walls, this range is perfect. Many of the prints are great examples of colourful wall art that will create a focal point for your room.

This collection features some beautifully rich shades of red, green, yellow and blue that will complement and enhance your home.

Other examples have a more pastel colour palette to suit a more calming space.


How to choose the perfect Maximillion art print

Sometimes the inner meaning of an artwork is what persuades you that it’s the right choice for your space. Let’s explore some of the inspiration and themes that underpin Maximillion’s individual works - something is sure to resonate with you.

This female character has some decorative softness with a string of pearls and a white feather, but her voice is cold, digitised and harsh. Think of her as Alexa's maleficent sister: She is watching

King and Queen are a pair of images based on 18th century French pastel portraits, some of which hang in the Louvre in Paris. In Queen the delicate blues and pastel pinks of the portrait are combined with the smooth tones and textures of natural objects. King has a more metallic and mechanical feel.


With echoes of the dystopian novel 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley, the vision is of a performer on stage, at the bottom of the sea or weightless on the moon, their head encased in a bubble of green glass or liquid - to help them breathe. This Life

In 'The Glamour' a 1950's film star is captured in another time, another reality, her arm around a marble statue of herself, she too is frozen and brittle.

This surreal art print was part of Maximillion’s response to the pandemic in 2020. Inspired by Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein this image suggests that humans are responsible for the creation of their own 'monsters' - when they ignore the balance of the natural world: The Monster

This image uses mirror imaging and evokes the Victorian fascination for pictures within pictures and optical illusions together with the Rorschach psychology test of the 1920's: Dancer’s Metamorphosis


Shells have similar appearance to ears: their spirals and tunnels. The words 'let me have a word in your shell-like' appear in your head. Look at the image closely, inside the shell is a human ear and a human eye: Under Moss and Stones

Much of Maximillion’s work explores the concepts of duality and paradox. In this picture this idea is expressed in a mushroom - it can be poisonous and cause death, but is also essential in the regeneration of new life. If you stare at the mushroom you may get the impression that you can see the eyes of the woman in the portrait behind. Amanita Virosa

In the Greek myth Pandora releases evil from a box given to her by Zeus. This image plays tricks on the eye. Is Pandora's dress made of smoke or shadow? Is she on stage and behind her is a painted backdrop? Pandora


Choosing art for your home can be a challenge, but a fascinating and exciting one. In her blog How to choose the perfect piece of art, Goda Smilingyte helps to simplify the process of choosing art which is well worth a read.

Meanwhile Bryan Hayes approaches the subject from an interior designer’s perspective, and provides some useful insights in his blog 4 considerations when choosing art for  your interior design clients.

About the designer

Maximillion is a British artist inspired by the art and revolutionary ideas of the original Dada and Surrealist movements. His art explores the world of dreams and alternate realities. It is surrealism for the digital age, imbued with the spirit of punk.

Maximillion’s images are captured and printed digitally, but are not digitally manipulated. He has exhibited his art, experimental films and immersive surreal live cabaret in Victorian music halls, live music venues, marquees, art galleries and caves in Nottingham and the UK. He has an ambition to take his brand of surrealism to Berlin.

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