Which Scents Are Best Suited To The Winter Season?

Which Scents Are Best Suited To The Winter Season?

With winter in full swing, no doubt you’re all bundling up nice and warm, preparing yourselves for cosy nights in at home with friends and family - and a big part of making your home feel welcoming and friendly is ensuring that it smells nice, no matter what time of year it is.

You can really create a sense of atmosphere through clever selection of different scents and since it’s winter time, we thought we’d give you a quick roundup of some of the best fragrances that really make you think of this time of year. Which will you try first?

Wood soy

The smell of our wood soy scented candle is truly delicious, a blend of patchouli, ambers, oud, jasmine, cedarwood and vanilla. You’ll be wanting to burn this candle again and again, each time we hit November.

Mandarin and cinnamon notes

Warm and spicy smells will always remind you of the winter months and mandarin and cinnamon can both work wonders, especially when mixed together. You’ll likely find the smell sweet and comforting - and you’ll certainly be burning these candles constantly throughout the winter.


There’s something so delightfully rich about the smell of figs and the smell works particularly well at this time of year, but if you’re looking for something with a lot of depth behind it try and find a candle or a diffuser that has woody notes as well, and maybe even a hint of rose. Your house will smell divine!

These are all relatively autumnal scents so would work perfectly right now, but as we move closer to December you might want to think about invoking the smell of Christmas at home, changing up the fragrances of each room as you go. Here are some more Christmassy scents you might like to try.

Don’t forget to dress your candle displays up beautifully this year, nestling them (bearing fire safety in mind, of course) among pine cones, bits of sparkly tinsel to reflect the light of the flame, sprigs of holly and ivy… you could have a wonderful time as a family making stunning centrepieces for the Christmas dinner table.

Chestnut and vanilla

For something a little out of the ordinary, why not try combining chestnut candles with notes of vanilla here and there. You may find yourselves being a little on the hungry side from time to time but that’s a small price to pay for a delicious-smelling house.

You could also think about being a little crafty when it comes to your winter smells and making all sorts of fun decorative items to bring your home alive at this time of year. This is also a really good way of spending time together as a family and you could really set some family traditions in stone with a bit of arts and crafts.

What about, for example, making pomanders? This is so easy and something the children can get fully involved with since all you have to do is use cloves to stud oranges with in a variety of interesting patterns. The smell from this will really make you think of winter and Christmas - and they’ll look lovely in a bowl on the dining room table as well.

Or what about heading out to a forest in your local area and doing some foraging for pine cones? Once you’ve collected enough, take them home, spritz them with some cinnamon oil and dot them about the house for a wonderfully festive look and feel.

Those of you with log fires at home could really up your Christmas game this year by making your own aromatic wax firestarters. These are similar to candles but have combustibles in them like pine cones and dried leaves to help kickstart your fire. Add in some whole spices and herbs to create a delicious smell as your fire burns. Find a tutorial for making these over on the Hello Glow website.

Burning different types of wood can also create a lovely heady scent at home so do some research to find out which kinds of wood you particularly like the smell of. Apple wood smells lovely while burning so this would be a good choice, as would birch - although be aware that the latter burns quite quickly so you may need to stock up if this wood is your favourite.


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