5 wrong ideas about wallpaper

5 wrong ideas about wallpaper

Wallpaper is an extremely popular product. From the smallest single wall in a hall, to an entire bedroom for girls, boys or adults, it would be fair to say it is the number one weapon a professional decorator or a nonexpert has to redecorate a place or accent a wall.

More than that; not only redecorating or accenting but doing it in a stylish way. As everybody may know, wallpaper changes completely the mood of a room. For instance, the living room which was dark and old fashioned, can now be bright and brand-new with a simple roll of the right wallpaper.

But there is so much more we normally don`t think about. And it is this: Wallpaper is able to get other effects, and inspire other original ideas. Here you are the correction of five misconceptions related to this product:

flamingo art

1. - It is not only for walls

Wallpaper main aim is, as its name suggests, cover walls. However, this is not enough for restless minds or DIY fans. Quite the contrary, there are a lot of things at home you can cover with it.

For example, a wooden pattern can perfectly suit the ceiling, according to the suggestion of the Porch’s site. And this does not finish here. Among its ideas, it would be worth highlighting the drawers with a bold paper design, not only the bottom but also the sides, or the very elegant transformation of a plastic blind.

It goes without saying that it can also fit perfectly the exterior surface of furniture, being the perfect allied for repairing desks, chest of drawers or wardrobes which otherwise would have ended up in a dump. The website Homesthetics give us nothing less than 27 ideas in this way.

2. - It is not always difficult to remove

Wallpaper raises a long term issue: it must to be removed. As time goes by, fashion changes and more often than not we face this sometimes scary job. However, the removing is easier than it seems, “but it is time-consuming,'' using the words written on the blog Sweet tea proper.

But apart from this, the classical wallpaper removal in which the new owners of an old house are the prime example, there are some original and wonderful ideas to simplify the task. The blog Welcome to the mouse house offers us one of them. With a specific paste they teach us to make, and using fabric instead of paper, they present us a renovated piece of furniture.

But the most important idea from this work is the fabric can be very easily removed leaving no damage to the wooden surface. And after being in the washing machine, the fabric can be reused; a great suggestion which won the Week 1 challengeon the Tammi Everett’swebsite.

3. - Simply décor is not its main aim

When using wallpaper, it seems we just want to change the appearance of a room. However, it is not the only intention a subject matter expert should have. By contrast, this product can work against the main weaknesses of the chosen area.

The website House Beautiful explains, though the decorator Meg Braff’s words, that wallpaper has an important part to play in making angled and not very common rooms more coherent. And also, if it has a large vertical repeated pattern, can get cosy spaces from very high ceilings bedrooms. Eventually, this product is a key tool to rationalize the space.

white mural

4. - A defined pattern is not always the case

It is often believed that wallpaper consists in a repeated design with no beginning or end. It simply flows though the wall following the same pattern all the time. But there are more alternatives.

The blog Hege in France shows us a compilation of mural wallpapers as unusual as fascinating. From images inspired by natural materials like marble, to the very realistic landscape of a forest, to others abstract illustrations, we are talking about a wallpaper canvas with a unique picture, which turns a wall into plaster, mineral or even a work of the best art.

5. - It is not a mere aesthetic product

It is clear that wallpaper plays a beautifying role. Its function is decorating, making a wall or a room more attractive. But apart from this and the task of optimising the space we talked about in point three, it has other purpose, which is not other but art.

At the end of the day, wallpaper has a meticulous creative work behind, and this is susceptible to inspire others to the point of being in a museum. The online publication Hyperallergic explain us this product has attracted the attention of artists of the standing of Andy Warhol and Damien Hirst, and institutions as important as New York’s International Print Centre and Manchester’s Whitworth Gallery.

In fact, the preservation organization Historic New England has digitised and offers online a wallpaper samples collection which begins in the early 18th century, highlighting the artistic value of this product through the years.

To sum up, these five items intends to exemplify that bearing in mind the shape and conditions of the space and the features of the wallpaper you can get a more rational home. And that, even when mural wallpapers involve a risky design, if you are brave enough your home can be the envy of the neighbourhood. And that, who knows, your wallpaper might at some point be in a museum.

But above all, they are here to inspire you. Here you can find a collection of wallpaper which can help you for this purpose. And if point two is your favourite, here you are a range of creative fabrics


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