It's Not as Difficult as You Think

It's Not as Difficult as You Think

King's Wood Wallpaper Mural

Making over your business premises is big business. Not only does a well-designed office show your brand’s unique personality to clients and visitors, but it can enhance the inner workings of your operation.

Nail your interiors and you could have better employee engagement, teams that are highly productive, and a space that empowers individuals. A stylish site also works well in enticing fresh talent. So as a business owner you should never ignore the signs of an outdated office screaming out for renovation.

But is interior design hard? Will it take too much time? And can it really give you the results that you want? Here we provide some invaluable tips from our team who have spent a career in interior design to make sure your project achieves the desired returns. 

Planning and conceptualisation

Dame Giralda' Canvas

Having a clear design concept and theme is essential if you want your ideas to come to life. Purpose is the most important tip to remember. At this stage every successful interior designer would consider your goals so you should do the same. What are you trying to achieve with your business space? Who is it for?

The over-arching aim of any office interior design is to enhance company culture, and create workspaces that motivate and support your team. Interior design should also reflect your brand’s ethos, values and beliefs. A people-centric approach is important if you want a space that actually works and provides value. So involve your employees and ask them what they would like to change about the existing environment.

For instance, do they need a breakout area? Do they need better aesthetics to inspire innovation? Does their space echo the company or branch personality? You should also be prepared for any challenges ahead. Here are some commonly asked questions and answers for business interiors:

●“How can I make the most of a small office with a growing team?”

If floor space is your enemy, consider an open-plan office layout or adopt a shared desk-hopping policy, giving staff the freedom to move around and use collaborative work pods.

●“Is interior design hard for multi-functional spaces?”

When building concepts for areas that double up as other functions, try to create a universal theme that can adapt from day to day.

●“Will re-designing my premises cause disruption to services?”

When renovating or redecorating, it can be beneficial to tackle one area at a time. Hiring an interior design firm to handle procurement can also make things run smoothly. 

Colours and texture

Madame Blush Canvas

After you have built your concept, think about the colours that align with your design goals and objectives. Colour psychology tells us that certain hues evoke emotion, so understanding what these colours mean is the key.

For instance, did you know that orange is the colour of creativity, confidence and sociability? So it’s ideal for brainstorming areas and design studios. Red can increase heart rate and blood flow, which can be used to motivate. While blue depicts trust, reliability, knowledge and competence, making it a colour that perhaps your clients may want to see. Additionally, texture plays a leading role in emotive design. So consider how you want your staff, visitors and customers to feel when they enter your site.

Textured wallpaper not only adds depth and dimension, but it creates a sense of luxury, telling visitors that you aren’t the type of business to cut corners. You can trick the eyes with texture effect wallpapers too. From luxe Victorian panelling to a vintage bookshelf, you can create more complex looks through simple murals. 

Accessories and personalise

Black Ceramic Bulldog

The next step is to make the space your own.

Cue the fun part…..what is your brand about and how do you want to get your company’s personality across? Are you fun or serious? High-end or easily accessible? Are you conforming or rebellious? From off-the-wall sculptures and ornaments to prints and wall art that defy normality, there are many ways you can make your workplace fun, exciting or different. If you’ve got plenty of shelving, small ornaments and decorative items can be a great addition to your space.

Botanical Chinoiserie White and Blue Wallpaper

If your business is creative and your company doesn’t like to take itself too seriously, a good idea might be to add some tongue-in-cheek art to your walls? Canvases and art prints are so transformative, and can inspire innovation and out-of-the-box thinking.

No workplace should be without some form of art. It’s been said to boost productivity and can even help staff de-stress! 

And finally, lighting is everything

Gold King Edison Grande Pendant Lamp

When it comes to your physical presence, the most important statement you can make is interior design. Hard and soft light play a big part in any design concept, so your choice in lighting can impact what you are trying to say.

Different strengths of light can dramatically affect productivity and can also change the ambience. Depending on whether you want a calm, relaxing environment or a vibrant, energetic workspace, you’ll want to experiment with light colours and directions. The further away the light source, the softer the lighting in the room will appear which is why ceiling spotlights are a good balance. But don’t forget that personality matters. Even light fittings can be used to express yourself. Think funky, think modern, think unique and colourful.

Get your lighting right and you’ll be able to tie everything together nicely. It’s often overlooked, but remember lights can set the mood, and a bad lighting scheme could be what’s letting your office down. 

Wait…..but is interior design hard for beginners?

While business interior design shouldn’t be overly complex, not everyone has the time or vision to pull it off. And for a large, multifunctional business premises or multiple branches, a re-design can be a huge undertaking.

If you still don’t have a clue where to start, hiring a professional interior design is an option. Not only can they help you visualise, conceptualise and plan your project, but they can also deal with suppliers on your behalf, saving you precious time and money.

If you would like to hire a Mineheart-associated designer, or would like to find out more about our products, contact our team on

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