Celebrating extraordinary interior design- the MIDAS Awards

Celebrating extraordinary interior design- the MIDAS Awards

Back in January, none of us had any idea what 2020 had in store for us. There’s never been a year like it, and it certainly hasn't been easy.

At Mineheart, though, we like to look for the beauty in everything. Despite the challenges of the last 12 months, there are still reasons to celebrate - and at times like these it’s more important than ever to look for the positives.

The Mineheart extraordinary Interior Design Awards (MIDAS) awards are our way of celebrating the most extraordinary interior design projects of the year. If you’ve used a Mineheart product in any of your work this year, enter the awards today.

This is an opportunity for interior designers to showcase their work to a wider interiors audience as Mineheart will publicise all project submissions online, via various media platforms and our mailing list. 

Interior Design Awards


MIDAS is open to all interior designers working on projects of any size, provided they include one or more Mineheart products.

The first stage of the selection process is done via a public vote, inviting people to vote for the project they like best.

Once the top 5 have been selected, Mineheart's panel of independent judges will review the submissions for aesthetics and originality and agree on the winner.

Mineheart Interior Design Awards


A panel of independent judges will select five finalists. The winning entry will receive:

  • A customized crystal trophy
  • A £1,500 mineheart gift card
  • Additional publicity for their project and company

Runner up prizes will also receive Mineheart gift cards:

  • 2nd place £750
  • 3rd place £500
  • 4th & 5th place £250 each


The deadline for 2020 submissions is January 31 2021.

To enter please;

  • Upload/supply 2 - 8 images per project (jpeg, minimum 1000 pixels wide)
  • Submit up to 1 video (optional - min 15 seconds long)
  • A brief paragraph of text about the project including:
    • The brief
    • Location
    • Start and completion dates
    • Where you gained inspiration
    • Anything else you think we should know

Use the MIDAS entry form or send your submission to marketing@mineheart.com. You can submit as many projects as you like.

mineheart wall art


Submitted projects will be published on the Mineheart website and social media channels, encouraging likes, shares and votes throughout the months of February and March.

The deadline for online votes is midnight on 14 March.

The 5 projects with the most online likes/votes by the 14th of March will be presented to our judges, and a winner will be selected by 31 March.


Not only will you have the chance to walk away with your favourite Mineheart products, we will showcase your work to an audience of millions through our extensive outreach programme.

All project submissions will be shared on the Mineheart website, multiple media platforms, our own database and our global retailer networks:

  • 1000 online retailers around the world
  • 100 physical stores
  • Our social media content reaches 700M users

You are encouraged to share your entry and use your network to generate votes for your project.


Last year’s winner was Lucinda Loya's project, The Italianate Mansion

View the best of 2019s projects.


  • Mineheart will use your images and information in publicity via press releases, social media posts and in newsletters.
  • There is no time constraint on when the project was started or completed
  • The project must contain Mineheart designs
  • There is no limit on the number of projects you can submit
  • Prizes cannot be transferred
  • Prizes can not be exchanged for cash

mineheart wallpaper


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