8 Modern Bedroom Ideas To Give It A Fresh Look

8 Modern Bedroom Ideas To Give It A Fresh Look

Your bedroom, your space, your taste. The bedroom is often where you wake up at and the last thing you see before falling asleep. Thus, no one should be fed up with a certain decoration, when so many modern bedroom ideas are available. Here, we showcase 8 not only modern, but also very simple bedroom inspirations.

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bed side table lamp

Photo by Christopher Jolly

1. Watch your step

Clever and simple. One of the ways to bring some novelty to a master bedroom is by adding tapestry. The types of rugs are infinite, then the sky's the limit!

It could be your pet’s new favourite spot for naptime, or sometimes a beautiful piece of art to be admired on the ground acting as an unexpected focal point, a pleasant view just underneath your feet. Try it!

Blue Brown Persian Faux Cowhide Rug

Picture of the Blue & Brown Persian Faux Cowhide Rug

2. Add a cushioned detail 

It could be something as simple as a cushion. Either a plain, simply with a matching colour, or a patterned one. Some might wish to leave a mark of their favourite film, tv series, book, animal… Whatever you choose, that soft accessory will definitely give your bed a more modern look whilst providing cosiness.

Cushions are also a great way of adding personality to small bedrooms where other more dominating decor schemes simply won't work.

Grace Cushion

Picture of the Grace Cushion taken by a customer.

3. Light it up

Multiple Lightings in store

Photo by Omar Tursić

Another strategy to change the bedroom’s appearance is to implement different lighting schemes. It is highly recommended to combine indirect light sources for a more restful atmosphere – such as table lamps – with more direct ones like pendant lights in order to perform your daily activities.

Beware that making the most out of your natural lighting is essential before adding your lamps.

4. (Re)cover the bed

A bed cover can be much more than sheet protection. Since the bed is somehow the starring aspect in the bedroom, choosing the right cover is simply indispensable. If you have already chosen certain colours for the walls or cushion, try to find complementary tones that won’t compete with each other but instead will enhance the bedroom design you're looking for.

Last year’s Pantone colour was classic blue, influencing designers creations all over the world. This year’s chosen colours are both ultimate gray and illuminating (a tone of yellow). An optional inspiration for those who seek innovation as well as updated and fresh solutions. In our previous article “Why we love the 2021 Pantone Colours: Ultimate Grey and Illuminating Yellow” you can find more information about it.

Also, we recommend this article from Style Caster by Maggie Griswold you can find some suggestions on where to buy bedding online.

blue bedroom delight

An example of a blue bedroom delight photo by Devon Janse van Rensburg

5. Attractive green leaves and plants

Greenery can be a simple and pleasing decoration. In the bedroom above we see a larger vase on the ground, but a friendly cactus over the bedside table – especially when you are not particularly the botanical type – shall create a mellow environment.

colourful bedroom scheme

A green touch in a colourful bedroom scheme. Photo by: Jack D. March @jackdmarch

6. Include new bedroom furniture

After analysing your bedroom decor you may find there’s something missing. Something other than the essential bed or traditional bedside table, but a different spot. Somewhere to sit on, or to accommodate some of those lovely plants you have acquired, or even a cabinet for storing your favourite clothes.

It could also be something you have simply stolen from your favourite designer’s projects and just fits. Or it could be the starting point of your renovation, determining your colour scheme and choice of bedding. We dare you not to fall in love with one of Mineheart’s designs.

7. Ceiling of stars

Something very creative is to decorate what is above you. Something you can admire when lying down, something you like, a relaxing view. Themes such as clouds, stars, planets, flowers, birds, just to cite a few of the possibilities of decorations.

Babies usually get their mobiles hanging above the cot. Those are beautiful, soothing and often dazzling pieces of art. Remember, it is your bedroom, your space, your taste. No judgy stares allowed.

Sistine Pendant Lampshade

Sistine Pendant Lampshade by Himitsuhana

8. Rock and Wall 

Flamingo art canvas

Flamingo art canvas in a children’s room

An excellent way to shake things up and really renew the bedroom is to change the writing on the wall. We’re not talking about fate, signs or karma. No. In a more literal sense, painting the walls around you or hanging an original and modern wallpaper will certainly give the room the ultimate fresh look.

The difficulty here might be to choose between an enormous amount of possibilities to be explored. If not the entire wall, there’s also multiple modern wall art ideas. Portraits, posters or framed prints, hanging either of them is something easily executed and instantly transformational.

2 Faced Canvas

Picture of the Mirror Mirror…’ Canvas taken by customer Anne-Marie T.

White Panelling Wallpaper

Picture of the White Panelling Wallpaper taken by customer Michelle K. who was “very happy with the results” according to her review.


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