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We have all the wallpaper tools you need to transform your interior space. We know what it’s like - you’ve chosen some fabulous designer wallpaper from the Mineheart collection and you can’t wait to get it on your walls.

 We make the whole process easier - you can order everything you need from us so that you can get the transformation underway. Whether you’ve chosen some of our coveted panelling wallpaper or one of our feather wallpaper designs, you can put everything on a single order to keep things simple.

 The wallpaper experts on the Mineheart team have handpicked the products you need to get our wallpaper looking its best, including wallpaper paste or ready made adhesive,  an eco-friendly biodegradable paste tray, a paste spreader and roller.

 If you already have wallpaper on your walls, you’ll get a better result by stripping old paper off before applying your new design. We have the stripper you need to make that a breeze.

 Any wallpaper is only as good as the surface below, so if you will be papering an uneven wall it’s best to use some lining paper to get the perfect finish.

 We want to help you at every step to make your Mineheart purchase the best it can be. Need to check you’ve ordered enough wallpaper for your space - and allow for any errors? Use our wallpaper calculator to make sure. Not every space is straightforward for wallpapering, so explore our site for tips, including how to wallpaper a chimney breast.

 And once your transformation is complete, it’s time to start planning the next one. Did you know that we carefully categorise all our luxury wallpaper designs to make it easier to find the perfect option? You can shop wallpaper by colour, by design and even by room.

 Don’t miss our bestselling wallpaper designs including wood effect wallpaper, chesterfield leather options and classic botanical designs.



wallpaper tools

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