Bookcase Wallpaper

Bookcase Wallpaper

Wallpaper That Looks Like Bookshelves!

White Bookshelf Wallpaper

The original Vintage Bookshelf wallpaper is still a staple in the Mineheart collection to this day. It became a product almost by accident as the original design was made to cover cupboard doors either side of their fireplace in the designers own home. By taking photos of some old books and modifying them in photoshop, they printed out copies using their home printer, then using PVS simply glued the pages on to the doors, decoupage style.   The product didn't exist yet, so they very quickly set to work finding someone to help make it... and the first Mineheart wallpaper was born!

Dark Bookshelf WallpaperPhotocopy Bookshelf Wallpaper

White Bookshelf Wallpaper Black Bookshelf Wallpaper


Vintage Bookshelf Wallpapersepia wallpaper for walls

Black Bookshelf Wallpaper

bookshelf printed wallpaper

Black Bookshelf Wallpaper

Vintage Bookshelf Wallpaper

Bookshelf or library wallpapers are a great way to add some style to your walls without the hassle and mess of an actual bookshelf.  Popular for using in studies, walk ways, alcoves and library's the Mineheart collection of wallpapers covers a range of styles from minimal to details - across a whole load of colour ways!

View all bookcase wallpaper designs here.


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