Top 10 best wallpapers and where to use them
Wallpapers can be some of the most important aspects of a space. They can make it harmonize, they can calm it down or even be element that gives a room that special wow effect we all hope to achieve. In any case, a lot of thought goes into choosing wallpaper styles, themes and patterns.
A wallpaper should always be sympathetic to the style of your room, your entire home or space you intend to create. It can provide a more individual look to an otherwise rather common theme.
So what are the criteria to be used for choosing a wallpaper design for a room? It all depends on the type of room. First of all, it is crucial to think about its function. Is it a living room, a walk-in closet or a guest room? What is the effect that you need to create? In order to help you out, we have put together a list of our top 10 best wallpapers, separated into categories according to the different types of rooms.
Top 3 wallpapers for bedrooms
A bedroom is usually a place where one would like to relax. Sleep is a very important part of our wellbeing and a room that stirs up the individual trying to catch some rest, does not serve its purpose. That is why you should consider calm colours and patterns. Pastel colours work very well as such. Another good choice would be floral wallpaper or nature-inspired images, since they have a very soothing effect on the viewer. Still, colours should remain simple.
In case you are keen on a bolder nature statement, our White sky XIX Wallpaper Mural might be more appropriate for you. It can give a room a lot of personality and serves very well as the element that sets the tone for the rest of the bedroom space.
The Orange Saudade Wallpaper is also a very calm and yet happy one to be used on a feature wall. With its white and orange ornaments, it is effortlessly paired up with white and orange cushions, lampshades and other room ornaments.
Finally, our Moderna Grid Stucco wallpaper - Purple Lilac suits that description very well, since it showcasts a pastel-like lilac that is soothing to the eye and can help you calm down after a long day. It is also possible to combine it with many different styles and room themes.
Top 3 wallpapers for your hallways
A hallway is the space that can convey the very first impression your guests have of your home. That is why choosing the right wallpaper can be very important. If the hallway is not all too narrow, a wallpaper with flowers might be the right choice, as a way of making your hallway become the extension of the outside world in your home. For narrow spaces, we recommend using wallpapers that bring light into the room, reflecting it in the best way possible.
Bearing that in mind, the Back to Nature Coloured Wallpaper is one that makes a great reference to the outside world while also giving the space lots of colours and a sense of creativity.
For the less daring, the
Classico Paisley texture wallpaper - Cream is suitable for the narrow hallways mentioned above. It is perfect for reflecting light and expands the room in that way.
Lastly, the White & Blue Plate fragment wallpaper combines both a floral wallpaper theme with a background that can easily reflect light, making it a great choice for a hallway wallpaper that is soft but also makes a statement.
Top 4 wallpapers for your living room
The living room is a space where, on the one hand, you can and should let your imagination flow. On the other hand, it is the place where you will probably spend the most time with family and friends. A wallpaper for living room needs to hit the balance and that can be quite tricky. It should be a place you and others want to be in but it should also make a statement.
The Persian Wallpaper - Dark is definitely one that makes a bold statement while projecting warm colours into the room. It can be very well used for a feature wall, while portraying some of the lighter colours that appear on it on the other walls.
In order to achieve a more polished style, the Cream Georgian Dot Panelling Wallpaper works very well. It can be incorporated in an ambience where a lot of dark colours are already in use in order to break that feeling in a rather soft way.
The Moderna Grid Stucco wallpaper - Brown is also a way of creating a rather warm but also harmonious bolder effect in a room. It goes very well with browner tones and other earth colours and reflects light in a great way.
Certainly the most living room like wallpaper would be our Vintage Bookshelf Wallpaper. With its bookcases and wallpaper books, it gives the viewer the feeling of being in a cozy space that is also not too neutral. It can go quite well with chimneys and fireplaces, elements often found in living room areas.
These are our top picks recommended for your living area. Trust yourself to find the perfect one for you!