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The 'Submerged' artwork series
Immerse yourself in the Submerged wall art collection, a collaboration between YandB and digital artist Kirin Young. Peaceful pastel colours inspired by the original painting they obscure. Submerged in the paint that painted them. A familiar new proverb "Can't see the painting for the paint" maybe a visual metaphor to the realities of one's life? Would [...]
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New Product Launch: Tao Master Collection
By Young&BattagliaThe ‘Tao Master’ collection of art works bring together the old masters of fine art, and the wisdom of Taoism, the western and eastern, the yin and the yang, in a continuous and harmonious exchange.Renaissance and Baroque masters searching for a “Way” to express and capture life through their paintings, and Taoism whispering the path (or “Way”) for [...]
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In The Press: Vintage Portraits
Rohini wrote a piece on Vintage Portraits, here's what she had to say about Mineheart's collection:"British design brand Mineheart create wonderfully eccentric portraits by mixing classical ideas in new and unexpected ways like French Queen’s with delightfully grafitti-d faces and modern twists on Dutch paintings."For full article: featured Mineheart products:
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