Will Feather Wallpaper Designs Tickle You Fancy?

Will Feather Wallpaper Designs Tickle You Fancy?

December 11 sees the launch of a beautiful new luxury wallpaper range - the Mineheart Feather Collection. What could be more appealing than the chance to truly feather your nest? Let's look at the growing trend for feather wallpaper and how it can enhance your space.

New Wallpaper Trend Alert: Feathers

If you’re looking to update your space and create something new and inspiring, could a feather design wallpaper be a look you’d love?

Feather wallpaper was first celebrated as a interior design trend by Homegirl London a while back, but it’s a look that works on so many levels, and has so much potential for your home.

It’s partly because the feather itself is so unique and tactile, and conjures up so many thoughts and experiences in our minds…

Natural Feathers Grey and Orange Wallpaper

There’s an obvious link between feathers and sleep - for centuries humans have cuddled up to feather pillows at bedtime. But perhaps there’s something in the way a feather falls, so slowly and hypnotically, that make us think of dreams and falling asleep.

So a feather motif for your bedroom wallpaper is a clear win, but it’s certainly not a design that should be restricted to the boudoir.

Feather feature wallpaper

The right feather design will make a strong decor statement in any room. Look for a wallpaper that mixes both layers of feathers as a textured background and larger motifs - perhaps a peacock feather or pops of bright colour to add interest and a hypnotic pattern to your walls.

Colour is an important element of course, too, and there are lots of feather wallpapers that call on tropical birds and other brightly coloured feathered friends for inspiration.

Take a look around and you’ll find a real rainbow of colours to choose from, from deep sapphire blues and plummy purples to greens, pinks and yellows - perfect for any colour scheme.

black and white peacock wallpaper

Why is feather wallpaper so popular?

Feathers are a very ethereal and sensory thing - not only do they look fascinating, they come in a myriad of colours with intricate patterns. They also behave in such an interesting way - in how they feel to the touch and how they fall. And the fact that they are the magic ingredient in how birds take flight makes them all the more appealing.

There are also lots of symbolic ideas linked to feathers: that an angel is nearby, as a signal of peace or strength - even fertility. This fascinating article explores the many ideas linked with feathers and even what different coloured feathers signify.

When you’re choosing a wallpaper design for your home you’re looking for something that will please you on a daily basis - and with so many aspects of feathers that we enjoy, this is a design that has real staying power.

Blue feather wallpaper

How to choose feather wallpaper

When you’re choosing any wallpaper, you first need to decide on the atmosphere you want to create in this room you’re decorating.

Are you aiming to create a light, airy space, or something a little more dramatic and moody? Is the wallpaper going to be a backdrop for your furnishings or a feature in itself?

That will help you decide whether to aim for a lighter colour in your wallpaper design, or something darker - and also how strong a pattern you’re aiming for. If you’re looking for the wallpaper to become a design feature, will you apply it to a single wall, or perhaps two, or will you wallpaper the whole room?

A strong and dominant pattern usually works best for a feature wall rather than the whole space, unless it’s a particularly large room.

Once you’ve made these initial design decisions you can start exploring wallpaper sites and narrowing down your options based on colour and style. Aim to compile a shortlist of around 5-8 designs, then order samples so you can see them in situ in your home.

Comparing feather wallpaper designs

All feather wallpaper designs are not created equal and there are lots of options to explore. Some wallpaper will feature large feathers floating at random on a monochrome background, while others lay the feathers out in formation creating an almost geometric effect. This ‘ordered’ design often creates a bit more visual energy and might suit a living space rather than a bedroom.

Another aesthetically appealing approach is the multilayering of feathers to create a highly textured, patterned design. In the example below, tropical bird feathers are aligned to create a stripe effect. This complex pattern seems to change as you walk towards it and gain a better view of the many different feathers on display.

purple and red feather wallpaper

Peacock feather wallpaper

We can’t talk about feather wallpaper without a proper mention of the peacock. This iconic bird - and its even more iconic tail feathers - have been a huge feature of interior design for centuries. The peacock is the national bird of India and is used in many architectural designs including the Peacock Gate in Jaipur. It is also a symbol of the renowned Ming Dynasty in China.

In the UK the peacock became a real style trend in the 1800s, helped along the way by a controversial event where the artist James Abbott McNeill Whistler took interior design a little too far. Having been invited to advise on a friend’s colour scheme for a banqueting hall, Whistler redesigned the entire room with peacock designs and colours. A replication of this room is now the subject of a dedicated exhibition at the V&A Museum.

But you don’t have to go that far to bring a little peacock beauty to your home. There are many designs that incorporate the unmistakable eye of the peacock feather to your walls - adding a touch of vintage class to your space.

peacock feather

photo credit: Anjana C

Feathering your nest

So it’s no big surprise that feather wallpaper has become a big interiors trend. But unlike most fashions, the appeal of the humble feather runs so deep in our world that this is a design that will stand the test of time.

Finding the right feather design for your own nest is an enjoyable and rewarding process that will bring you joy for years to come. 


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