We have planted our trees in Rwanda!

We have planted our trees in Rwanda!

Sustainable Design 

As you may or may not be aware, we plant a tree for every roll of wallpaper we sell...

These seedlings have now been planted in their final destinations!

tree planting projects in africa

This project focused on the planting of 60,000 Coffee Arabica seedlings in the Gakenke and Kayonza Districts of Rwanda. These seedlings will ultimately grow to be coffee trees, providing long term sustainable income and harvesting opportunities to 225 farmers. Employment has also given them and their families access to health care and education. Having sustainable job opportunities as well as healthier and better informed citizens, has led to empowered communities in these areas.

africa tree planting


Farmers were provided with a source of long term income. Employment allowed farmers and their families access to further resources. Those employed were provided training, which can be applied to their personal livelihoods.


The seedlings have provided a long term resource for harvesting. 225 job opportunities were granted to local farmers, directly benefiting their families as well. Steady incomes for community members have led to improved economic stability


Over 30 acres of land was used for the planting of 60,000 seedlings. Educated residents will lead to informed and empowered leaders. The seedlings are maintained by the farmers who have planted them, providing income for up to 30 years.


tree planting project


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