Tea With... Guillermo Flores, Orbeh Studio

Tea With... Guillermo Flores, Orbeh Studio

Please give brief bio or job/company description.

Mexican Illustrator & Designer, currently residing in Guadalajara. Art Director, specialized in photo retouch, post-production and digital art. Has collaborated with diverse companies, both national and international such as: CIRQUE DU SOLEIL, NIKE, GRUPO EXPANSIÓN, GRUPO VIDANTA, TEQUILA PATRÓN, PRINGLES, VW, SCOTIABANK, ELM LEARNING, among others providing art direction and functioning as a creative in multiple projects. The tasks these projects cover have been: visual identity, marketing strategy and project execution. Guillermo has also been published for magazines locally as well as globally: NOVUM MAG (Munich, Alemania), MOKAMAG (Francia y Suiza), FUSION Magazine (El Paso, Texas), BG Magazine (Ecuador), in México for CREAM Magazine, EXPANSIÓN Magazine, EXPANSIÓN CEO, PICNIC, MÉXICO DESIGN, FAHRENHEITº URBAN, CRÓNICA AMBIENTAL, CHILANGO, SECRETARIA DE CULTURA, among others.

What’s the best thing about your job?

When I finish a piece and see it published or displayed in a gallery or magazine. Also I enjoy the whole process: Looking, mix, create, try and experiment. The errors can give magnificent results!

Please tell us more about the project you’re discussing with us:

My collaboration consists of 2 pieces called: “Saudage” and “Science is for everyone”.


Brave woman who has her family present, she works very hard for them. The flowers represent life and the fruit resembles your hard work. Fighting against the adversity of being a woman in a society dominated by men. She glimpses her future, waiting for everything to get better. Fight for her and those she loves.

Science is for everyone:

The Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture. Inspiration - Field Museum of Natural History.

What influenced you for this piece?

Hard work and fighting for your dreams can influence many people.

How long was the process from the idea to the finished work?

In particular this project the result was fast, I had very clear the idea and the elements to work the final composition.

How would you describe the look and feel of this work?

It is completely full of colour and a lot of movement. It is a very personal and emotional project. I really like the final result.

What are some of the functional aspects and rational thinking behind decisions like the size, colours, and type of materials and mediums?

Everything is completely based on the message of each piece, as I mentioned before, it is my vision on both subjects. It is a direct message that transcends. The expression of the woman is firm, and that's what the piece talks about. The graphic about science, which is inspired by a museum, has great elements because it talks about evolution and how new generations benefit from it.


Apart from the design featured above, are you working on anything else exciting that you can talk about currently?

I am working on several pieces which I will share once they are ready, you can see them in my Behance and Instagram account. I am also in the middle of the pre-production of my next album as a musician, which will be released this year. More information at www.ellazaro.com

What were you interested in when you were a child and how did that lead you down the path to where you are now?

My fascination with botanical art I acquired it from small thanks to the encyclopedias that we had at home; in particular, a book about birds and their habitat, which was my favorite. Since then, the fantastic images that always populated his mind began to take life in graphic pieces.

What design tools, equipment or softwares do you use?

Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Illustrator.

What are your favorite places or things to do, to get inspired or destress?

Spending time with my family, playing music and going on tour, composing songs and be in the recording studio, rehearsing for a show.

What is one of the most challenging aspects of your job?

Without a doubt it is finding the right solution for each client's need.

Are there any particular tools, methods or approaches you use to help with this particular challenge and how does it help?

I always base everything on research. Documenting the subject gives you a clearer and wider vision. Whenever I can buy books that speak of the subject that will be worked on.

Often our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness, what is yours and how does does it affect your work?

I am compulsive obsessive, I can last hours in something insignificant and absurd.

What do you believe or like to do that many people may think is crazy or unusual?

I like to wear headphones, but without listening to music, it helps me concentrate.

If you had a quote, proverb or a mantra printed on your shirt what would it say?

“My Dear, find what you love and let it kill you. Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness. Let it kill you and let it devour your remains. For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it's much better to be killed by a lover. -Falsely yours”.
Charles Bukowski


Where can people find out more about what you, and how can they get in touch?


orbeh.com / ellazaro.com


Grey (left) Blue (right)


Orange (left) Pink (right)


Science Is For Everyone

Grey (left( Pink (right)


Orange (left) Purple (right)



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