'Petrified' Concrete Log Stool by Mineheart Studio

'Petrified' Concrete Log Stool by Mineheart Studio

Petrified logs are normally made from stone and difficult to find as they are buried underground and millions of years old. Mineheart has developed a concrete inspired version, sculpted by hand and cast in industrial reinforced concrete. The log shape was originally carved by hand to reproduce a natural tree stump shape complete with all the irregularities expected such as cracks, bark and branches. The form was then used to make a mold and then cast in concrete.

The product is made of cement mixed with fibre and is in its natural grey cement colour, with the size specifications of 30cm x 29cm x 42cm (height)

Material : Cement and fiber

Colour : natural cement colour

Product Size and weight: 30cm*29cm*42cm , 9.5kg

Packed dimension: 40cm*36cm*49.5cm /weight 10kg


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