MIDAS: Mineheart's Interior Designer Awards

MIDAS: Mineheart's Interior Designer Awards

Welcome to the first edition of MIDAS.

The Mineheart Interior Design Awards (MIDAS) has been created to celebrate extraordinary interior designers and showcase their great work to a wider interiors-led audience.  

MIDAS is open to all interior designers working on projects of any size, provided they include the use of Mineheart works.   This is an opportunity for interior designers to showcase their work to a wider interiors audience as Mineheart will publicise all project submissions through blog, media platforms and mailing list.   

The first stage of the selection process is done via a public vote, allowing anyone to vote on the project of their choice. Once the top 5 have been selected, Mineheart's selected judges will review each of the 5 finalists on their aesthetic qualities and originality and one winner will be selected.



The deadline for 2019 submissions will close on the 28th November.

- At least 1 - 8 images per project (jpeg, minimum 1000 pixels wide.)

- A brief paragraph of text about the project, location, style and inspiration and completion date.

- You can submit as many projects as you like to marketing@mineheart.com



Submitted projects will be all be published on the mineheart blog and instagram during the first week of december allowing anyone to share and like projects throughout the month of december.

The deadline for counting of online votes will close on midnight on the 31st December.

The best 5 projects with the most online likes/votes by 31st December will be presented to our judges, and a winner will be selected.



The winner will receive:

- A customized trophy with an engraved name tag

- A £1000 mineheart gift card

- Additional publicity for their project and company

The 4 finalists (runner ups) will receive:

- A £250 mineheart gift card.

- Publicity for their project and company



- Mineheart will publicise this with press releases, social media platforms and in newsletters (the more images you provide, the more chance of your image making content)

- There is no time constraint on when the project was started or completed

- The project must contain Mineheart Designs

- There is no limit on the number of projects you can submit

- The prize cannot be transferred

- The prize can not be exchanged for cash

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