How To Display Designer Wall Art - & 3 Mistakes To Avoid

How To Display Designer Wall Art - & 3 Mistakes To Avoid

Investing in designer wall art is a big decision - after all, you don’t want to splash out hundreds of pounds on something that you’re not going to like in a few months’ time, do you?

You need to take the time to really think about the key pieces of art you want to buy for your home and make sure that they fit in with the rest of your interior design choices and home decor, otherwise it could be a somewhat expensive mistake to make.

And by the same token, you need to make sure that you know how best to display your hand paintings, photographs and other pieces of art, as this is all part of the magic when it comes to making your house a home.

It can be difficult to hang art in a domestic setting so you may start off with an idea and find that it doesn’t look as good on the wall as it did in your mind’s eye. Think about the kind of art that you’re working with as this will largely dictate where you’re going to hang your new investment. For example, if you have colour photographs or something done in watercolour, don’t hang them in direct sunlight as you’ll find they fade quite quickly.

It might be worth thinking about having your favourite pieces framed in something like UV plexiglass, an advanced UV grade acrylic sheet that boasts brilliant UV-absorbing properties… which is no doubt why art galleries and museums use it so much in order to protect their favourite exhibits from sun damage.

Something else to bear in mind is what colour your actual walls are, as this can have a big impact on how your art looks and how you feel when you look at it. White walls can really make certain pieces pop, this is true, but you might find that a really soft grey colour is, in fact, the best when it comes to showcasing stunning examples of designer art.

If you decide you’d like to create a cluster display of different pieces, combining large and small works of art will instantly result in an interesting focal point for any room. It’s always fun to walk into a room and be greeted with something big that instantly captures your attention and then to find smaller works as you move closer to the cluster you’ve designed.

In terms of framing, this will largely depend on the kind of artwork you’ve got in mind but simple wooden frames are often the best choice because you don’t want to detract from the art itself.

3 wall art display mistakes to avoid

Unless you work for an art gallery or museum, or have former interior design experience or a qualification or two under your belt, chances are that you’ll make a few mistakes when it comes to hanging your pictures. But here are a few common errors that people often make to help you get off on the right foot.

Hanging your pictures too high

Hang your picture and stand back a few feet to see what it looks like. Does it appear to be floating above your sofa or above your bed? Or does it feel awkward to look at? If so, you’ve most likely hung your work of art too high… but it’s easy enough to rectify this problem - just bring it down gradually until it looks perfect.

A lack of variety

They say variety is the spice of life - and this is certainly true when it comes to art. Try to bring in as many diverse options as you can, from framed works of art to unframed canvases, some handmade options if possible, family photographs, quilts, tapestries… there are so many options that you’re going to have a wonderful time sourcing all your favourite pieces for your house.

Forgetting about negative space

If you’re something of a hoarder you might well struggle with this rule of thumb, but it’s important to remember the impact that leaving a bit of negative space can have when it comes to viewing art on the walls of your home. It can be tempting to fill up all your wall space, especially if you love art and are always investing heavily in key pieces, but try to leave space between your frames - or you might well find that some pieces get a bit lost.

Find even more ideas on the Decoist website now.

Image Credit: Ricco Home, Interior Show Room, Italy


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