Bring calm back to your home this year

Bring calm back to your home this year

The white sky XIX Wallpaper Mural

Last year changed the way we spend time in our homes, and now, it has changed the way we design them too. The fact is, designing a home is not just about it “looking pretty”; it is a matter of bringing wellness into our homes and our lives.

And while we’re on the subject, few people do wellness in living spaces better than Scandinavians. A reason for this is perhaps the fact that owing to their long, persistent winters, they were already accustomed to spending large amounts of time indoors.

This made homes and living spaces that much more important. Today, we have chosen our top 3 Scandinavian interior design trends you need for your home - plus we’ve got the perfect tips, ideas, and wallpapers to help you achieve them in one efficient swap!


Niksen is a Dutch word which literally means “to do nothing” and, most of all, without any purpose. It is strictly focused on the concept of mindfulness and wellness, and has been recognized as a way to overcome burn-out and boost creativity.

In keeping with Niksen, sanctuary-like spaces inside our homes have become a trend, for example, a small reading nook, or a breakfast table section. If you’re inspired to do nothing and be completely on trend, look no further. We have the perfect set of blank spaces to stare into:

These soothing, elegant pieces of art are the perfect backdrop to your moment of peace. Pick up a coffee, sit on a comfy chair, and just… be.

Waves Wallpaper  

Smokey Blue clouds wallpaper

Designer tip: Pair these gorgeous wallpapers with a floor lamp to amplify their gentle texture and provide you with all the motivation you need to stare into space. The combination is a guaranteed win.


White Panelling Wallpaper

Lagom when translated from Swedish, means “enough, sufficient, adequate, or just right.” It is all about moderation. Lagom defines a sustainable way of living, which translates aptly into the context of homes and interiors.

Upcycling, recycling and using as much as you need are the hallmarks of a ‘Lagom-ized’ living space. This may mean decluttering a space so that it contains just enough of what you need, or simply reducing the number of books on your coffee table. When you go Lagom, you’re simply aiming for balance. Not too much, not too little. Consider some of these Lagom-inspired decor ideas:

A little bit of texture, a slight spark of movement - but nothing that stops you in your tracks. These perfect wallpaper options will compliment your living space without overpowering, undermining, or distracting you from the centerpiece or highlight of the room. Whether it’s a piano, a bouquet of flowers, or your toddler playing on the floor. With Lagom, less is not more, it’s enough.

Designer tip: Complement these designs with an armchair or a statement piece of furniture. This is about all you need to create just enough of luxury, comfort, and style in your living space.


Hygge is by far the one of the most well-known and most celebrated Scandinavian design concepts. It has been pinned endlessly, and for good reason too. It’s all about creating and embracing joy and coziness in everyday living - how wonderful is that?

The idea behind hygge is for someone to walk into your home and immediately get the “I love to live here” vibe. It all comes down to creating a welcoming, warm, and restful environment.

Arts & Crafts Patchwork Wallpaper - Beige

Whether it’s embracing the flickering light of a candle, the warm comfort of a blanket, or the feeling of a soft, plush rug under your toes, hygge is all about texture and warm, fuzzy feelings.

Here are some easy ways to hygge up your life, simply by creating one feature wall of coziness:

While we are hoping to return to life as usual this year, whatever that may look like, our outlook towards our home will never be the same - which is a good thing. Why not pick your favorite Scandinavian design concept, and use it to transform your living space?

It goes beyond just aesthetics and appeal - this year is about wellbeing, holistic living, and embracing the ordinary everyday. This is why at Mineheart, we are committed to create a design wonderland where everyday objects go beyond functionality.

They are art.

They are poetry.

They are created with the life you desire in mind.

If your home is ready for an upgrade, we’ve got you covered - walls and all! Whether it’s the nothingness of Niksen, the sufficiency of Lagom, or the homeliness of Hygge, you'll find everything you need at Mineheart.

We love sharing our passion with you! If you’re looking for some gorgeous home inspo, follow us on social media.


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