8 Tips for Renovating an Apartment in Singapore

8 Tips for Renovating an Apartment in Singapore

When your home looks tired and it’s time for a refresh, you have some big decisions to make. Not only do you need to make style choices, but you need to know how to finance your renovations. Whether you want to add style to your first home or you’re looking to move onto greener pastures, it’s a good idea to have a clear home renovation plan in your head. That’s where we come in. Throughout this article, we will go through some top tips to get your Singapore renovations off to a flying start.

Financial Options

Paying for renovations come with a lot of costs. You’ll need materials, contractors, and a lot of flexibility. The best way to do this is to create a spreadsheet and a table outlining all of the costs, which will let you avoid sneaky hidden charges.

Now that you know what it costs, the chances are you’ll need some extra revenue for the renovations. If you’re short on family handouts and advance work payments, you can get a range of home loans from Property Guru. They will collate all of the bank loans into one place so you can peruse them with ease. Also, if you’re looking to invest in another property, why not make the most of their property listings?

What Are Your Needs

Now that you know where the money is going to come from, you can start getting stuck into the renovating. Before you begin contacting suppliers and calling in the contractors, you need to outline exactly what you want from the process. For example, if you’re renovating your home with the view of starting a family, you need to ensure everything your plan has your future child in mind. Further, you need to decide whether you need a speedy makeover or a long home renovation. Remember, your home will be out of action throughout the entire process.

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Hiring Help

Unless you’re a pro and you’re willing to carry out the entire home renovation on your own, you’re going to need some help. Knowing who to hire will depend on your budget, which you should have already outlined above. Typically, if you know exactly what you want out of the home renovation, all you need to hire is a contractor to help you with the construction side of things. However, if you need support in designing your look, you could hire an interior designer. Remember that, the more people you hire, the more costly it will be.

Be Precise in Your Instructions

The last thing you want is to take out a home renovation loan and let your contractors get to work only to find that they haven’t followed your instructions. So, when you’re telling contractors exactly what you need, for example, if you want your walls to be azure, you can’t just tell the contractor you want blue. The devil really is in the detail, so don’t worry about being pedantic.

Be There Throughout

The best way to ensure that your home renovation is done is to be there when it’s happening. Don’t be so overbearing that your contractor feels claustrophobic, but make yourself available and make regular visits. If you can spot accidents and issues early on, it can save you a lot of money down the line.

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Decide Where You Need Power

This may sound trivial, but you need to decide where your power sockets are going to be. After all, we rely on so many things that require power. So, if you want to have bedside power sockets, you need to tell the contractor exactly where you want the bed. That way, they can put the sockets in the correct place. This is something that a surprising number of Singapore renovations don’t take into consideration.

Out with the Coffee Table

Often, we throw a coffee table into the middle of our living room and it ends up becoming a storage ground for an abundance of letters and remotes. Why not consider not having one? The extra space will open up your room and make it feel less cluttered, especially if you have a small space to work with. Further, you can put your remotes on the side of your couch or put a shelf up for storing them.

Pick Matching Colors

There are countless blogs out there to help you decide on the perfect home color scheme. They will all have different opinions, but it’s a great place to start if you have no idea what you’re doing.

Renovating your property in Singapore isn’t much different from doing it anywhere else. Once you understand where you can get financial support from, you can jump in with both feet and start designing your home renovation. Remember, you need to create a budget and be pedantic in your instructions to contractors. 


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