5 Interior Design New Year’s Resolutions To Consider

5 Interior Design New Year’s Resolutions To Consider

New Years Resolutions For Interiors

The start of a new year is the perfect time to think about making fresh new changes at home - and since 2020 is the start of a new decade, what better way to ring in the next ten years than by giving your home a bit of a makeover, starting with buying luxury wallpaper online.

Wallpapering is one of the quickest and easiest ways of changing the look and feel of your living spaces, but it’s always worth doing a bit of research before you start calling in the professional decorators or buying rolls of paper. You don’t want to end up with walls you don’t like, after all!

To help you get started with your interior design ambitions in the new year, here are a few resolutions you could consider making to ensure that it all goes swimmingly. Which ones of these will you follow?


Be Bold

If you’ve not decorated before and aren’t sure where to begin, the temptation can be to err on the side of caution but oftentimes big and bold can be better so don’t be afraid to really go all out.

Bold colours have been a big trend over the last year or so and show no signs of going away any time soon, so try and be brave if you can and really create some statement looks at home.

Again, research is key in this regard so start creating some mood boards or head to Pinterest and Instagram to find looks that you like and that you might want to recreate in your own home.


Embrace Minimalism

Decluttering your home can make a huge difference to not just how your house looks and feels but, interestingly, your own state of mind and overall sense of wellbeing as well. Try to be as ruthless as you can when embracing a minimalist look at home - if you haven’t used something in a year, consider taking it to a charity shop or selling it online.


Think Sustainably

It’s hard to escape news about the impact that human activity is having on the planet and if this is a particular concern of yours, a sustainable approach to interior design in the new year could be the way to go for you.

Bring in natural materials wherever and whenever you can, and look for reclaimed or repurposed items where possible. Also think about the kind of paint you’re using - plenty of places now offer environmentally friendly options, so just do a bit of investigating to see what you can find.


Go For The Quick Wins

If you’re pushed for time and want to see some immediate results, quick wins with decorating are the way forward. What about changing all the door handles throughout the property? Or bringing in some new pieces of luxury wall art to freshen up the place? You might well be surprised at what an impact small changes can actually make.


Have A Good Clean

While not strictly anything to do with interior design, cleaning your home thoroughly from top to bottom can really make a huge difference to how you feel about your living spaces. No doubt you already do lots of cleaning but there are sure to be places that are neglected throughout the year, like your cupboards and flat surfaces on paintings and so on.

It might be a good idea to call professional cleaners in to give it a really good going-over and perhaps do this on a regular basis every few months or so to help you keep on top of it. It will make the home decor ideas you have really come to life and you’ll feel a lot happier knowing that your home is always clean and fresh.

Whatever you decide to do at home, planning is absolutely essential so don’t skip this part or you may end up regretting it. This is true whether you decide to bring in an experienced interior designer or if you want to go it alone and see what you can achieve by yourself.

We’d love to hear what design ideas you have in the pipeline, big or small, so make sure you get in touch with us to let us know what you’ve got planned for your house over the next 12 months.


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