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Spring Decor Trends 2024
We're finally on the homeward stretch to warmer weather; the season of pastels and bright days that call for a lot of outdoor exploration. However, you don’t have to restrict your springtime joviality to just spring cleaning. Spruce up your room with spring colour palettes like yellow, lavender, and teal to uplift your drabby mood and give a [...]
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Home Decorating Style Ideas: Autumn all year round
Lots of us agree that autumn or fall is our favourite season. Just think of long walks through fallen leaves, golden sunshine on multi-coloured leaves, morning mists and digging out forgotten knitwear. Autumn is all about hot chocolate, scarves, fireworks and cosy comfort - what better feeling is there to capture in your home decor? If [...]
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New Product Launch: Tao Master Collection
By Young&BattagliaThe ‘Tao Master’ collection of art works bring together the old masters of fine art, and the wisdom of Taoism, the western and eastern, the yin and the yang, in a continuous and harmonious exchange.Renaissance and Baroque masters searching for a “Way” to express and capture life through their paintings, and Taoism whispering the path (or “Way”) for [...]
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