This canvas portrays a cheekily defaced French queen, blending classic art with modern day mischief. The ornate, white frame is not as it seems; in fact it’s printed onto the canvas. This beautiful print is available in three sizes and is ideal as a feature piece in both domestic and commercial interiors. A classic Mineheart twist on a portrait, showing a woman defaced by a vibrant blush pink paint across the face. Designed by Young & Battaglia.
Material : Digitally printed stretched canvas
Lead time : 3-5 working days for small sizes and 2-3 weeks for medium and large sizes
Material : Digitally printed canvas with real wooden frame
Lead time : 1-2 weeks for all wooden ornate frame sizes
Customisation :
Theme: Extra large canvas, Pink, Spray paint, Portrait, Marie Antoinette, Graffiti
Location shoots courtesy of:@petriskaveronika , i_fucking_love_decorating, @ maa1983