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New Mineheart parody art honours the Old Masters
New Wall Art CollectionsOur new collection of wall art is a tribute to the Old Masters. These pastiche artworks take original paintings - many by famed Dutch artists - and give them a cheeky twist. The wall art collection includes parody versions of paintings by Rembrandt, Da Vinci, Van Eyck and Johannes Vermeer. Most of them centre on obscuring the face of [...]
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Interview with the artist: Himitsuhana
Himitsuhana is one of the most popular and active artists in Mineheart's range. She investigates the inner relation between photography and painting during her research in photography and takes inspiration from the Pre-Raphaelites painters and Liberty style. In this article we hear more from Himitsuhana about her inspiration and drive to create unique and  surreal art. Surreal Artist Himitsuhana Himitsuhana [...]
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New Product Launch: The Bonazzi Collection
Enter the surreal world of our Bonazzi collection.Surreal and dreamlike, Stefano expresses his ideas of the uncertain modern world, and his vision of our time is poured out in to digital elaborations, exquisitely pictorial and softly hallucinogenic. His poetic assemblages are created by using a combination of photography and digital art. Faceless characters are [...]
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